There are some keys during startup: 1) "-ls" list contents starting from the tail of file (like system does) 2) "-xs" extract contents starting from the file's tail (like system does) 3) "-l" list contents starting from the beginning 4) "-x" extract contents from the beginning of file 5) "-c" disable printing of copyright strings Ok, some info. Couple weeks ago I've downloaded an IBM-Netvista BIOS which had a firmware update with garbage both in the beginning and in the tail of BIOS. Of course, it's impossible to determine where the "real" update was. And thus all offsets in that file were misplaced. I couldn't extract it. The solution is disable printing this kind of copyright strings, the key "-c". If the BIOS file is broken, and we want to unpack it any way then the keys "-x" and "-xs" should be used. What they mean - when first key used file is decompressed from the start, in the latter case - from the tail. Just the same with the listing - keys "-l", "-ls". Help just prints what is program is. P.S. Program can be compiled under DOS, in DJGPP manner. P.P.S. If you're owner of Phoenix FirstBIOS then use PhoenixDeco v.31